
Life Underground….

While in NYC I found it strange that I kept seeing these little figures all littered throughout the A-C-E subway line. I took a few photos here and there and decided to figure out the reason for their existence later. It’s now later and a little research has been done. It seems these little pieces of art were created by American sculptor Tom Otterness as part of the reconstruction/revitalization of the line.  I wish I had gone up and down taking photos of all pieces but here are a few of the cute creatures I came across.

Life Underground
 Life Underground

More NYC....

I was able to get through a few more photos the other night on another free evening.  I’m not sure how many I’ll eventually process and share given a lot is going on this summer but I’m having a great time just revisiting my random wanderings of the city.   One part of the city I enjoyed the most was Central park, whether it was the morning jogs or just walking about snapping photos. Here a few I took during my journeys (well mostly the walking since running doesn’t adhere to storing a camera very well).

Carriage Ride
Dancing on Roller Blades

Wedding number four....

Another beautiful wedding in the books (well as of 3 weeks ago).  Although this one took a while for me to process the photos I finally was able to lock myself in my basement, with a cup (or few) of coffee and just work my way through them.  The scene was a Brooklyn, New York rooftop overlooking the Manhattan skyline. So much potential for photos! Although I didn’t have all the equipment I wish I had, I think the shots turned out pretty well and most important everyone had a fantastic great time!  Congratulations Andy & Lisa!!  It’s always so much fun celebrating with friends on their wonderful day. 

After Ceremony

New York, New York....

I’ve been away from the blogosphere for a while now. In that time I’ve been rather busy with a lot of work and sports so that’s unfortunately led to neglecting regular updates of this blog. I also went to NYC and have a daunting task of going through about 1800 photos that I took during my 12 day stay there. A good chunk of t hose images are from Lisa & Andy’s wedding, which I must say was fantastic; I’ll blog about that later on though.

I’ve just touched upon those NYC photos the other day since I had to start somewhere.  I’ve got somewhat of a light schedule this weekend so maybe I can get through a few more. The entire trip was an overwhelming photographic experience.  There was just so much going on all the time that it was hard not to snap here and there.  I am very familiar with NYC, growing up there during my youthful summer days, so getting around was a cinch.  I had some key locations and tourist type spots that I wanted to take images of, but after that it was all just random walking and enjoying myself; with the occasional beer of course. 

I plan on posting more on here when I get through them but here are just a few to begin with:

26th Street
Times Square Welcome

Wedding Number Three….

Oh what a party it was that Saturday June 5th, 2010!.  A room full of close friends and family comfortably placed in the Park Hyatt rooftop salon celebrated my dear friends Matthew and Dorothy’s nuptials in fine dining, speeches, dancing and of course…the drink. 

The ceremony itself was held in Trinity Chapel located on the  University of Toronto St. George Campus; a beautiful venue with tall ceilings and lots of natural light.  We all eagerly anticipated the marriage of these two high school sweethearts and were surely not disappointed with that days course of events.  The ceremony was traditional and well done and was followed by an easy going evening reception at Toronto’s Park Hyatt Hotel roof top salon.   Located on the 18th floor of the Hyatt and including a spacious outdoor patio, it proved to be quite the photo-op if you wanted to capture Toronto’s skyline as seen from Bloor & Avenue Rd.    

The night went by smoothly and everyone had a fantastic time dancing the night away! The official photographers did an awesome job and I’m glad I was able to get a few nice shots too.  I can go on and on about these two but I’ll just get right to some images I took and finally processed.  Yes it took me quite a while to get these up here, but here they are, finally!

Trinity Chapel Father & Daughter Toronto Skyline The Menu Dorothy & Matt : Bride & Groom

Congrats Matt & Dork =) See you at Lisa's wedding July 2nd =)

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