

So I was made aware that one of my corn maze/pumpkin patch photos appeared on blogTO.  How random, not because it made it on there (I often contribute to their flickr pool) but because I’m not quite sure what it has to do with the article at all lol.

Here’s the link:    Morning Brew



and the photo:

Pumpkin Patch



Corn maze!!! .... 

So I was lucky enough to convince a band of followers to check out this corn maze I came across while perusing the internet.  It’s located at “coopers farm” in Uxbridge Ontario, north east of Toronto by about 35 minutes.  

I’ve never been to a corn maze. It was something I’ve wanted to do for quite some time and well, I think we all had a good time. Though I believe the night maze would be even more spectacular. Well… if creepy = spectacular then yes it would be spectacular.   

Anyhow. We had a great time and I thought I’d share some photos.



Go Leafs Go!!!

First day of the 2010-11 season today!!! and i always cheer on the leafs. i'm not sure if they'll make the playoffs but they'll sure be fun to watch!! go leafs go!!!! Go Leafs Go thx to oliver for the background

The Toronto Zoo

The Toronto Zoo!!! A place I haven’t visited in YEARS… DECADES!  I finally made the trip the other week and I think the description of “a kid in a candy store” would best describe my behavior of this 27 year old on the cusp of 28.  Up until today, it had been the best day to go, not too hot, not too cold, but just perfect.  I went with a great group of friends who enjoy taking photos, so I wasn’t holding anyone up when I took that extra few moments to setup my shot.  That’s always a worry of mine.  I’ve gotten quite good at just adjusting and taking photos on the fly, but generally it’s always lingering in the back of my mind that I’m holding my friends up.  I’m sure many aspiring photographers feel the same way. 

Anyhow, during our day trip we saw about 80-90 percent of the grounds.  Which is very impressive in itself.  There are tons of photos located in my flickr account in this set here “Toronto Zoo 2010”.  But I thought I’d share a few photos here, in my semi-regular updated blog. 

I don’t have the greatest equipment for animal photography but I did what I could.  I was just too excited to take very many photos but I took enough to remember my time there.  After all, my thoughts about photography have always been that they capture the view of the world of the photographer.   I take the images that will help me remember my thoughts and views during that time in my life.  Although I have dabbled in some commercial photography, I try to impose that belief in all my photos and I suppose that is my style.


More Salty….

I’ve been trying to take Salty everywhere I go. Not always is there an opportunity for Salty get into precarious situations but here are the latest additions to the Salty and Peppery scrapbook.

Salty tries to get Beer

Salty and BB

Salty likes Swing
More images can be found in my flickr set: Ode to Salty
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