
Celebrate the women in your life….a few images…

As mentioned in a previous post I photographed the “Celebrate the women in your life” event for the AWHL the other month.  I thought I’d post a few quick snaps of what went on. 

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And the winner is….

The results are in from the work photo contest I entered a couple of months ago and as it turns out, I won 2 of 3 categories!  I didn’t expect much in terms of results since typically the winner is often a photo of a small child or a cute furry animal.  That generally seems to be what the majority of people at work vote for in these things, and I must admit, I’d vote for those too!  However, I decided to enter anyway despite not having any of these types of images and also because I really wanted to beat a coworker who was just talking smack!  The department is full of camera gurus and from them I often acquire several tips and tricks regarding processing and photography. I also often find myself anticipating hearing about what they did the past weekend and if they shot anything.

Anyhow, back to the contest.  There were three categories: Landscape, People/Animals and Funny/Artistic/Creative.  The categories were very broad and this was a fall/winter contest so it was difficult trying to find images that I think ‘the people’ would enjoy.  After filing through my images I was able to find 2 satisfactory (in my eyes) images to enter into each category.  After all the votes were tallied it turned out I won the Landscape and the People/animals categories.  The winning prize wasn’t much, $10 Black's gift card for each category.  It’s a tiny victory but it sure did feel good to see people enjoy the images and the compliments after the winners were announced. 


Here are the images that won:

3rd Line


The result of a day off...

Palettera Custom Correspondences sent me a thank you card a while back and I got a message today asking if I could take a few “creative photos” of the card. That left the door wide open with a whole range of possibilities, since I spent most of the day outside I decided to take advantage of the nice weather we’re having here in Toronto. I’m not quite sure this is what they were thinking of, but after battling the wind, this is what resulted.




High Park Cherry Blossoms…

This past Sunday I was able to go to High Park and enjoy some of the cherry blossoms.  Donated in 1959, the site has been updated with more donations by Yoriki and Midori Iwasaki as a special gift to the people of Toronto and “a joyful symbol of life”.  This is just one of many donations of several varietals of trees.  For more information check out the High Park nature centre website.   Although it was great to see the blossoms (finally after many years of not being able to), it was unfortunate that I chose a Sunday where there would be several families enjoying the same trees.  I’ll be sure to go again some time soon when it’s not quite as busy.  More images will be showing up in my daily photo blog in the near future too so check it out!


Photographer's Life in a Graph....

I came across this in Robert Benson's blog and thought I'd post this graph sent to him by barefoot memories. I found it rather amusing.


Photographers life in a graph.

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