Entries in Wedding (26)


Wedding number 9….

Jack & Persis!! I’ve watched them grow older over the years. I’ve known both a very long time and as a result they knew exactly when to catch me off guard and ask provide some wedding services. I usually don’t take photos of friends weddings since I often will end up missing out on the celebration. This wasn’t the case this time around as a very well kept schedule allowed a lot of time between events to just relax and enjoy.

The ceremony was held at Trinity Presbyterian Church York Mills. It was a beautiful ceremony with a lot of natural light! The reception was then at the all to familiar Diamond Banquet Hall. They again impressed with their service!

Here are just a few :




Wedding number 8….

My cousin got married! Well, she’s like a sister to me since I used to spend all my summers growing up in NYC with her and her older sister in flushing. The wedding was in Philadelphia, USA and the catholic ceremony was held in "Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul" which is probably one of the most beautiful churches I’ve been in for a wedding. It was just so Grande and the architecture was just amazing.

A semi-traditional Indian ceremony occurred later on in the afternoon and was then followed by at Ritz Philadelphia reception. Everything about this wedding was first class and it was truly a memorable weekend. Congrats Manasi & (new cousin) Dave!!! Some images from that amazing day:







Wedding number 7....

It’s been a busy couple of months and as a result I’ve been behind on posting photos of wonderful weddings I’ve been going to as well as even touching my vacation photos from August. Who knows when I’ll be able to go through those at this pace! Anyhow now to the meat of the post…

Karyn & Michael!

A spectacular set of venue’s (St. Michaels Cathedral & Atlantis) and a wonderful clear day combined into a most memorable wedding for two people I’m proud to call friends. I’ve known Karyn for quite some time and gotten to know Michael over the years and they truly are a wonderful match and I wish them all the best out west!

The day was hectic (of course it was, it’s a wedding) but everything went smoothly and the guests had a wonderful time. The church wedding featured a catholic ceremony followed by two traditional ceremonies in Atlantis. The Chinese and Korean tea ceremonies were done with such great care and explanation to those in the crowd who may have not experienced one or the other. We were all on the 2nd level of Atlantis watching down as it was being performed. What a wonderful sight it was!

Here are a few images taken of that day. Congrats Karyn & Michael!!!

Walking Down the Aisle


The Happy Couple - Congrats Karyn & Mike

First Dance



Wedding number 6…

This was the first wedding of three in august and I can’t wait for the others (they are later on in the month back to back!) I was part of the wedding party this time around and didn’t have an opportunity to take too many photos as a result. The few I did take I was satisfied with but it’s a bit strange being on the other side of the camera. I think I much prefer being behind it ;).

Anyhow, my two good friends were married this past weekend and I can’t seem to stop thinking about how great it was! Here are some photos that I managed to take:

Getting Ready


The ceremony


Congrats Christine & James =)


Wedding #5 … 

Lewis & Gloria. What can I say, perhaps the most interesting of proposals I’ve ever heard (unbeknownst to either until the next day), and a super jolly couple well suited for one another. I’ve known these two friends for several years and watched the grow and develop and it was great being able to attend their wedding.

The ceremony took place at Toronto Korean Yum-Kwang Presbyterian Church in markham. Filled with tall ceilings and a large stage, the couple were announced man and wife to a large gathering of friends and family. We then went to Ambassador Chinese Cuisine to feast on a multiple course Chinese meal and play with tiny lego men and women as they were the party favour for the evening (lewis is a big lego man… pun not intended ).

Both were glowing as the games and festivities took place, lewis going around to the next couples this year saying “you’re next” with such joy. The night ended later than expected (signs of a great party) but what a night it was. Here are a few shots of the wedding.

Congrats Gloria & Lewis



Wedding Song

Congrats Lewis & Gloria!!!

The next weekend is this weekend. I’m part of the wedding party so I won’t have as many photos but hopefully I’ll be able to sneak a photo or three ;)