
Wedding #4….

The 4th wedding of the year came and went in a flash. The day started off foggy and cloudy but as the afternoon rolled around, the day became bright and beautiful. Similar to the last wedding, it was held at Markham Shangri-la banquet centre but this time in the room connected to the backyard tent. It’s a permanent structure with full lighting and fans attached as well as a majestic walkway with flowers and a canopy towards the banquet hall. I never knew this existed until now, I was quite amazed.

The wedding went flawlessly and everyone had a great time. This wedding meant a lot given I’m considered family amongst all 7 siblings, yes 7! I was able to take a few snaps here and there while enjoying time with the family. They had a photo guest book where the guests would arrive and have a Polaroid taken and it would immediately be put into the guest book so they could write a message or sign around the picture. A great keepsake.

Here are some snaps. Congrats Vivien & Chris!!

Vivien & Chris Wedding


Guest Book

First Dance


Wedding #3....

Wedding #3 With a another wedding just around the corner, it reminded me to post some of these photos of a fantastic couple I’ve known for years, Richard & Assunta. Their unique style was further seen during their day as they walked down the aisle to a beautiful string quartet playing various Nintendo video game musical pieces and their dancing entrance into their reception. A choreographed masterpiece. Congrats you two; it was an honour being part of your day!

Congrats Richard & Assunta

Richard & Assunta

First Dance

Timothy Eaton Memorial Church


Cherry Blossoms Toronto 2011....

It’s been a while since I’ve posted (yet again). Work has been keeping me busy along with some other odds and ends. I’ve been taking photos every now and then but have had very little time to focus on posting, sorry about that. I’ve started up my daily photo blog after a two month hiatus with a few photos from the annual cherry blossom blooms at high park. They seemed to be fuller this year than last. Maybe it was due to the later blooming period, either way it was quite the site to see and it was teaming with people who wanted to have their photos taken with the blossoms. Here are a few snaps from that walk around.

High Park Cherry Blossoms 2011

Cherry Blossom

I hope to get out and about Toronto a bit more now that the warm weather has come around. It’s been really dreary here in terms of weather. Just last week we had 9 hours of sunlight. Yes 9 hours in an entire week. That’s not very typical for these parts, usually we see about 55hrs. With warm weather comes outdoor festivals. I’m sure I’ll be quite active throughout the spring and summer seasons!

City Limits....

It’s spring here in Toronto and I’m hoping to make it outside a bit more often taking pictures of various events going on in Toronto. Of course that is very dependent on my schedule which is quickly filling up!! Sorry I haven’t been updating my daily image posts. It’s just been that busy!

Anyhow, I’ve still be crawling the web finding interesting things and here’s a nice time-lapse including 5 different cities: Montreal, Quebec City, Toronto, Manhattan & Chicago. Time lapse videos like this always catch my attention for some reason, this time it’s probably because I’ve been to each of these cities (well Chicago I’d like to go for a longer duration at some point).

Timelapse - The City Limits from Dominic on Vimeo.


i'm on a bus....

well sort of. I'm not on the bus but a photo i took is. I took a few photos for a school in Markham a while back and it turned out they decided to do an advetising campaign with them. Most were used in flyers etc., however some made their way on to the side of YRT buses! exciting yet weird!

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