Wedding five took place at my alma mater, Queen’s University. It was quite surreal being back. Being the fan of nostalgia that I am, I decided to stay in res. Infact I stayed in the same room I lived in back in first year! Yes lame I am aware but it was just something I figured would be interesting. It actually turned out to be very strange and creepy. It felt like I was reliving that very first day I showed up, where nothing was unpacked and the room and rez was empty. Overall it was a great experience being back on campus again. I haven’t been back for the past few years and there have been many changes that have taken place. I’ll blog more about that later as I still need to go through the actual Kingston photos.
Anyhow back to the topic at hand. Wedding number 5. It took place at the university club located near the waters of lake Ontario. The ceremony itself took place in the backyard garden area followed by cocktail hour and reception up in the 2nd floor hall. All were absolutely stunning and perfectly suited for the couple who I’ve known since my university days.
The wedding proved to be somewhat of a challenge though since I was the best man at this wedding. This of course meant not being out in the audience taking photos. I was lucky enough to have a friend there who would take on the challenge however he wasn’t very familiar with my camera. He took as many shots of the ceremony as he could and I was able to work with those to hopefully capture some amazing memories. Congrats Nevin and Sara!!! =)
The next wedding is in two weeks and will be in town again. It’ll be quite the event as I’m sure it’ll be huge.
For how here are some pics from the Kingston wedding: